The last two weeks AMD dominates the hardware news with the introduction of the new Pinnacle Ridge 2000 series Cpu’s. On top of that AMD’s website states the introduction of two additional cpu’s in the Raven Ridge line up with integrated GPU’s being the Ryzen 3 2200Ge (3.2/3.6 Ghz base-boost) and Ryzen 5 2400Ge (3.2/3.8 Ghz bass-boost). Having a TDP of only 35W compared to 45-65W of the regular Ryzen 3 2200G and Ryzen 5 2400G, the new additions have some serious firepower for their low TDP’s keeping the same iGPU’s. The website of AMD states both Ge cpu’s are unlocked, meaning you could also overclock them to some extend on your AMD B350, X370, B450 and X470 motherboard.

There is no info on pricing and availability yet. It is expected this info becomes available the coming days.


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