Since last week the Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 was released and awarded positive reviews among popular Youtubers and reviewers for its price/performance ratio. After the depressing release of the RTX 2070, RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti their findings were received positively by price conscious gamers. Given the fact that Nvidia stated the RTX 2060 would be released at a price point of $ 349,00 we only hoped European retailers would respect the price point. Today we can conclude Import duties and VAT makes the RTX 2060 available from € 375,00 and up. In this case we talk about a Gigabyte RTX 2060 OC 6G. and Nvidia’s own RTX 2060 Founders Edition. We still wait for Asus, MSI and EVGA to release their prices here in Western Europe.
Below you can find the specifications of the Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060 and a benchmark of BF5 compared to it’s bigger brothers the RTX 2070, 2080 and 2080 TI. Source: Professional Review. and Guru3D.

In our opinion when building a new system now you should certainly take a look at the new RTX 2060 from Nvidia as it outperforms previous gen. GTX 1080. If you rather prefer AMD take a look at the cheaper VEGA 56 or the more expensive Vega 64, were both performe about the same as the RTX 2060 but at a higher power consumption. Only opting for AMD using the argument you require Freesync does not hold anymore. Both AMD and Nvidia now support Freesync since Nvidia added this in their latest driver updates.