Since this week AMD promotes ‘free’ samples of Far Cry 5 or Wolfenstein II If you purchase a custom pre-build pc from one of the companies below. Offcourse this pc has to feature an AMD card, and only the high end cards are selected for the give away. AMD includes the RX VEGA 56, Vega 64 and their Radeon RX580 in the deal. Sadly, we Europeans have to calculate shipping costs and only a few firms ship to Europe. Check them out if you want, we included links to all of them.

The fact AMD chose Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein II is not something that came out of thin air. Both games feature AMD GPU specific optimizations as R.P.M (Rapid Packed Math for RX Vega) and Shader Intrinsics support for the Radeon RX580.

Is this the way the future will look like for us pc gamers and builders? Should we expect that buying a pre-build pc is the way to go in the future, just to get our hands on a high tier graphics card? Is this the new strategy AMD an Nvidia are laying out in front of us? We definitely hope not! The fun an enthousiasm of owning a new build comes from building it. Sure, if you don’t want to mess around with building a computer why not, but the readers of our blog still like to cut our hands on boxes and get our hands dirty on TIM! 🙂

The AMD reward program starts from today and ends July 15, 2018. Below you can find the trailers of both Far Cry 5 and Wolfenstein II.



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