As of this moment pre build systems can be ordered with the new AMD Radeon RX 5500 GPU. As a spiritual follow up to the AMD Radeon RX 580 the new Navi 14 GPU features the same RDNA architecture of the Radeon RX 5700 (XT). The RX 5500 Navi has 1536 stream processors with 22 compute units enabled which translates to 1408 stream processors in total running at 1845 Mhz Boost clock. (This could indicate a 5500 XT with all processors enabled).

Memory wise we find 8GB of GDDR6 memory via a 128-bit memory interface. The RX 5500M has 4GB GDDR6 Ram instead of 8 GB on the desktop version and runs at a lower speed.

There are no independ benchmarks available yet. AMD has supplied them with the press information. Therefore the objectivity of these tests has to be validated with independend benchmark once the retail samples become available. With a small margin we can take the results as a good reference for now. The only thing we are still missing is pricing information. Therefore take the comparison of a GTX 1650 vs RX 5500 with a grain of salt.

Full HD 1080PNvidia Geforce
GTX 1650
AMD Radeon
RX 580
Fortnite – high71 fps90 fps27%
Apex Legends – ultra high68 fps93 fps37%
PUBG – high76 fps99 fps30%
World of Warcraft – 1085 fps115 fps35%
Overwatch – epic89 fps135 fps52%
Rainbow Six Siege – ultra125 fps173 fps38%
Benchmarks AMD.

In the fourh quarter of 2019 board partners will introduce their version of the RX 5500. ASRock, Asus, Gigabyte, MSI, Powercolor, Sapphire and XFX are preparing their offerings. There will be no reference model for the AMD RX 5500, only custom cards.


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